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Welcome To TipTop Country Store

" In the beauty of spirit of who we are, this is a time to be patient with each other, a time to be kind to each other. Pick up the phone or text people and say, 'Hi, how are you doing'? If you know seniors just check on them. You know so many of them, if they're alone, their method of socializing has now been cut off. We have so many seniors right now their social life is built around their church but now their churches are shutting down, their community centers are shutting down. So this is a time to really dig deep in ourselves to remember that in a moment of crisis some of the greatest of heroes are who show that kind of love and that kind of kindness and patience."
 - Kamala Harris

About Us

TipTop Country Store is located in Brookfield Massachusetts, right next to the Town Hall. We sell groceries, local produce, supplements, housewares,
gifts, and more.

Our focus is on supplying customers with healthy, local and fair-trade products, including a wide variety of things that you won't easily find elsewhere.

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Shop Local - Support Local

TipTop takes pride in supporting our neighbors. Our goal is to connect our local growers, and makers, with the surrounding community. 

Buying local, not only supports our immediate community, but also lessens our carbon footprint, by reducing the miles our food travels, and the packaging that travel requires. 

We are blessed to be able to collaborate with an active and caring community of farmers, and makers. 
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Bulk Foods, Herbs, and Spices

We have a wide variety of bulk foods, including nuts, seeds, grains, beans, dried fruits, teas, spices and more.
Many of our bulk products are organic. All are fresh, high quality and reasonably priced.
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Fair Trade and Gifts

TipTop is not just a grocery store. People are amazed at all that our little store offers! We have a wonderful selection of candles, gifts, home decor, cards and housewares.  You will find sustainable fair-trade from around the world as well as crafts made in New England by artisans. We offer a unique selection of creative and educational crafts, toys, games and puzzles. 
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For The latest news, articles and the occasional recipe or project,
 Visit Our Blog ! HERE
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