Welcome to 
TipTop Co-Op


Tues - Fri: 12 - 7
Sat: 9 - 5
Sun: 11:30 - 5

Mon: Closed


TipTop Country Store has transitioned to
TipTop Co-Op

Membership is now open! 
Become a member and help guide your community market to become a tiptop co-op!
To learn more about membership , please

A reminder:

TipTop Co-Op is open and
available for
anyone to shop.
You do
not need to be a member to shop.

About Us

TipTop Co-Op is located in Brookfield Massachusetts, right next to the Town Hall. We sell groceries, local produce, supplements, housewares, gifts, and more.

Our focus is on supplying customers with healthy, local and fair-trade products, including a wide variety of things that you won't easily find elsewhere.

Get the Too Good to Go app for bargains and to fight food waste!

Learn more


TipTop Co-Op Mission:

Nourishing and nurturing Central MA 

with a community-owned market.

Why Become A Member of TIpTop Co-Op?


  • Additional 10% off sale items
  • 2% loyalty (redeemable quarterly : Jan, April, July, Oct)
  • Members only e‐coupons
  • Birthday gift during registered members birthday month
  • Early access to sign up for workshops and events hosted by TipTop Co-Op

  • Social and commuinity impact

Co-ops are a different kind of business, based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. 

When you become a member of the Co-op, you become a part owner. 

The store is collaboratively-owned by the members, which gives you the right to participate in the decision-making of the store, such as voting on resolutions, electing board members, or running for the board. 

We're more than a place to shop, we're a business run by and for the community. 

By investing in the co-op, you also invest in the local community. Money from local co-ops stays in the community. With over 30 local vendors and consignment artists, TipTop provides a local venue for many artists and food producers, building the local economy. By comparison, only 2 to 3% of the products carried by the typical supermarket are local products. 

Being a member of a co-op is one step toward increased control of our food system. 

The store is committed to sustainability, reduced packaging, products with ethical origins, and we do research on products and companies to grow a more inclusive economy. 

We need members to make this happen.

Become a TipTopCo-Op Member-Owner TODAY!

To learn more about membership , please 

Email us: contact@tiptoponline.us

Call us: 508-867-0460

Visit us: 8 Central Street, Brookfield MA 01506 

TipTop is now a member of the
Northeast Organic Family Farm Partnership!

Learn more about the Northeast Organic Family Farm Partnership

The Northeast Organic Family Farm Partnership is an educational project affiliated with the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, a 501(c)3 Charitable Non-Profit Organization. Their efforts to educate and build a region-wide commitment to helping to keep the northeast’s organic family farmers financially supported and viable depends completely on the generosity of their donors.

Shop Local - Support Local

TipTop takes pride in supporting our neighbors. Our goal is to connect our local growers, and makers, with the surrounding community. 

Buying local, not only supports our immediate community, but also lessens our carbon footprint, by reducing the miles our food travels, and the packaging that travel requires. 

We are blessed to be able to collaborate with an active and caring community of farmers, and makers. 
Learn more

Bulk Foods, Herbs, and Spices

We have a wide variety of bulk foods, including nuts, seeds, grains, beans, dried fruits, teas, spices and more.
Many of our bulk products are organic. All are fresh, high quality and reasonably priced.
Learn more

Fair Trade and Gifts: 
TipTop Co-Op is a grocery store and more…People are amazed at all that our little store offers! 
We have a wonderful selection of candles, gifts, home decor, cards and housewares.  You will find sustainable fair-trade from around the world as well as crafts made in New England by artisans. 
We offer a selection of creative and educational crafts, toys, games and puzzles. 

Learn more

For The latest news, deals and the occasional recipe or special event,
 sign up for our occasional email newsletter HERE
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